How we serve our clients

CloudScope differ from traditional recruitment agencies not only by specialising in a very niche sector but also in the level and variety of service on offer. We call this Strategic hiring, and consider ourselves a hybrid between executive search and traditional recruitment.

Managed Service

Fully inclusive managed recruitment service

  • Dedicated account manager for all requirements
  • Agreed service levels and response times
  • More control of your employer brand and image in the market.
  • Flexible Payment Options

Retained Search

Working in a very niche industry where the number of vacancies out ways the number of roles requires an extremely dedicated recruitment campaign in order to provide the most extensive shortlist.

This is where our Retained Search service comes in. By retaining the services of a dedicated consultant we can focus our time and energy on the kind of intensive research and passive candidate generation needed to produce results in this industry.

  • Detailed Campaign plan and agreed SLA’s
  • Passive candidate generation
  • Dedicated partner who will not stop working until the role is filled

Exclusive Campaign

A consultant will take a detailed brief on the role and put together a full campaign strategy. This will include; Targeted Advertising, Social Media Campaigns, Database Search, Job Board Search, engage with Third party resourcer (if required), Passive candidate generation (if required).

We will then agree a set of timescales. First & Second Shortlist, Shortlist Feedback and interviews right the way through to offer and earliest start date.

  • Agreed Timescales
  • Targeted advertising
  • Dedicated and Committed Search Campaign
  • Agreed SLA’s

Database Search  /Non-Exclusive

Specialising in a very niche market allows CloudScope to build an extensive database of industry specific candidates, as well as maintaining a pipeline of candidates for the future. CloudScope database search offers an extensive search of our database and specialist matching service aimed to produce results quickly.

  • First shortlist supplied on the same or following day depending on time called in
  • Targeted advertising
  • Follow up shortlist after more extensive search

CloudScope Contract

Your business may need additional resources to carry out specific or specialist tasks. CloudScope have a network of Cloud Contractors for when these needs arise.

  • More Flexibility
  • Upskill Staff
  • Implement Cloud systems which can be maintained cheaper

Our services are backed up by the following:

  • Recruiters with first hand knowledge fo the technologies they recruit for
  • In House Database/Candidate Network
  • Access to CV Data
  • Job Board Advertising
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Optimisation and promotion of our website and mobile website in Google & Bing




These Terms and Conditions shall apply to the provision of Services by the Agency to the Client.


The Engagement or interviewing of a Candidate, by or on behalf of the Client, or the commencement of work or provision of services by a Candidate for the Client shall be deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.


In the event of conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any other terms and conditions (of the Client or otherwise), the former shall prevail unless expressly otherwise agreed by the Agency in writing.


  1. Definitions and Interpretation

1.1          In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings:



means CloudScope LTD a company registered in England and Wales under number 10262514 whose registered office is at The Hub, 2 Civic Drive, Ipswich;


means any person introduced by the Agency to the Client for an Engagement;


means any person, firm or company including any associates or subsidiaries to whom a Candidate is introduced;

“Confidential Information”

means any information concerning either Party and relating to its business methods, plans, systems, finances or projects; its trade secrets; its products or services; or any other information which is expressly described as confidential;


means any employment, engagement or use by a Client of an Candidate whether part or full time, with or without a contract;


an introduction will be deemed to have taken place where the Agency has provided a Client with any information concerning a Candidate, or where a Client interviews a Candidate following an instruction from a Client to locate a Candidate;

“Introduction Fee”

means the fee payable by the Client to the Agency in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, on the introduction of a Candidate to a Client which results in the Engagement of a Candidate;


means any salary, fees, bonuses, commission, allowances, or any other financial benefit payable to, or received by a Candidate for services to a Client. If a physical company car is provided it shall be calculated as a £6000 benefit, unless a P11D or similar can be provided to demonstrate this figure is less of a benefit. If an OTE Bonus figure is provided this figure shall be used when calculating remuneration.


means the employment agency services provided by the Agency to the Client as set out in these Terms and Conditions.



  1. The Contract

2.1          Any and all business entered into by the Agency is subject to these Terms and Conditions and in the event of any conflict with any other Terms and Conditions these terms shall prevail unless agreed otherwise in writing by a Director of the Agency.

2.2          The Engagement or interviewing of a Candidate, by or on behalf of the Client, or the commencement of work or provision of services by a Candidate for the Client shall be deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

2.3          These Terms and Conditions supersede all previous terms of business.


  1. The Agency’s Obligations

3.1          The Agency shall use its best and reasonable endeavours to find suitable and willing Candidates to fill such vacancies as are notified to the Agency by the Client or to notify the Client if the Agency believes it is unable to assist with the Client’s requirements.

3.2          The Agency will endeavour to ensure that all Candidates introduced to the Client have the experience, qualifications, and authorisations which are required by the Client, by law or by any professional body, for the position(s) that the Client wishes to fill.

3.3          The Agency cannot guarantee to find a suitable Candidate for each vacancy and gives no warranties as to the suitability of any Candidate. 


  1. The Client’s Obligations

4.1          The Client must not seek to employ any member of the Agency’s staff, but in the event that any member of staff accepts an Engagement with the Client, the Client must pay an Introduction Fee in accordance with Clause 5.1.

4.2          The Client warrants that it shall immediately, and in any event within 3 working days of the Agency’s first provision of information relating to the Candidate’s identity, inform the Agency if the Client believes that it is aware of the identity of the Candidate other than via information supplied by the Agency.  The Client agrees that it will be deemed not to have been aware of the identity of the Candidate prior to the Agency’s provision of the information relating to the Candidate’s identity if the Client fails to provide such a notice within the aforementioned 3 working days.

4.3          The Client undertakes to CloudScope that, if another employment agency provides that Client with a curriculum vitae or any other relevant information relating to a Candidate who has already been introduced by CloudScope within the last 12 months, that Client will reject the same (and inform the other employment agency accordingly)

4.4          It shall be the sole responsibility of the Client to ensure that Candidates are suitable for the relevant vacancies and to obtain any references, permits and medical examinations required.

4.5          The Client must notify the Agency immediately of the acceptance of any offer of Engagement that is made to a Candidate and provide details of the Candidate’s remuneration.













  1. Permanent Placement Fees and Payment

5.1          The Introduction Fee payable by the Client to the Agency upon the commencement of an Engagement by a Candidate shall be calculated as the amount equal to the following:

All Salary Levels

20% of basic Annual Salary + VAT


5.2          If the Engagement of a Candidate is for a fixed term of less than 12 months, then the fee will be calculated pro rata as above.

5.3          The Client must pay the Agency’s fees within 14 days of receiving the invoice.

5.4          The Agency reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of 5% above Bank of England rate of interest per annum on any invoiced fees that remain unpaid by the Client from the due date to the date of payment.

5.5          For a placement period of less than 4 weeks, the Agency will endeavour to find a suitable replacement candidate on a 4 weeks’ exclusive arrangement at no extra cost to the Client.  If the Agency is unable to find a suitable replacement candidate within this time, then the Agency may refund the Introduction Fee in accordance with clause 5.6 below.

5.6          Except where a Candidate has been made redundant the Client may be entitled to a partial refund of the Introduction Fee where it was paid on time, and where the Engagement is terminated within 12 weeks of the Candidate commencing the engagement. The % refund is calculated according to the scale below.


1 – 4 Weeks service                            75%

5 – 8 Weeks service                            50%

9 – 12 Weeks service                          25%


  1. Introductions

6.1          Introductions of Applicants are confidential. The disclosure by the Client to a third party of any details regarding an Applicant introduced by the Agency which results in an Engagement with that third party within 12 months of the Introduction renders the Client liable to payment of the Agency’s fee as set out in clause with no entitlement to any refund.

6.2          An introduction fee calculated in accordance with clause 5. will be charged in relation to any Applicant engaged following an introduction by or through the Agency, whether direct or indirect, whether in the original role or in any other role, within 12 months from the date of the Agency’s Introduction.

6.3          Where the amount of the actual Remuneration is not known the Agency will charge a fee calculated in accordance with clause on the minimum level of remuneration applicable for the position in which the Applicant has been engaged with regard to any information supplied to the Agency by the Client and/or comparable positions in the market generally for such positions.



  1. Contract Recruitment

7.1          As soon as the assignment is confirmed we will send you details specifying the start date, hourly or daily charge, duration, notice period and any other information.

7.2          A contract will be issued for each assignment once the details listed in 7.1 have been confirmed.

7.3          Should you engage or hire our contractor direct, or through another agency, within one year of the termination of an assignment, then an introductory fee will be payable amounting to a multiple of 30 times the daily charge paid by you on his/her last assignment, or an introductory fee calculated at 18% of the gross taxable remuneration.

7.4           If you wish to engage our contractor permanently during assignment or within a quarantine period of:

  • Eight weeks after the end of the assignment or
  • Fourteen weeks after the start of the assignment and the permanent contractor will be engaged by: -
    • Yourselves directly without using another agency,
    • Through another agency or employer


then a permanent introduction fee will be due in accordance to the Permanent Placement Fees and Payment outlined in Section 5.


  1. Liability

The Agency shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damages of any nature whether direct or indirect including any loss of profits or any consequential damages suffered or incurred by the Client as a result of the Introduction of a Candidate to the Client by the Agency, the Engagement of a Client Introduced by the Agency or the failure of the Agency to Introduce any Candidate to the Client.


  1. Indemnity

The Client shall indemnify the Agency against any costs, liability, damages, loss, claims or proceedings which may arise out of its use of the Services.


  1. Law

These Terms are governed by the law of England & Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England